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About Us

Safe Tech, Safe Kids is a team of organizations, activists, and technologists who believe that tech should be a safe space for young people. We elevate the experiences and insights of young people and other key stakeholders impacted by harmful social media models and digital tech, and spotlight ideas, innovators, and initiatives that drive accountability.

Learn about our principles to uncode addictive tech for kids

Our principles guide all of our actions and demands. Find out more about what is at the core of how we partner and work.

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Youth Agency

Youth Agency

Put the well-being and interests of young people at the forefront, ensuring their experiences inform platform design.



Center the work on those closest to the issue — youth, families, educators, mental health providers, impact organizations, etc.— as a driving force in crafting age-appropriate solutions that are sensitive to the varying ways technology affects different people.

Safety & Privacy by Design

Safety & Privacy by Design

Require providers of digital products and services to ensure a high level of safety, privacy, and security for all young people, by design and default.

Accountability & Transparency

Accountability & Transparency

Campaign for platform accountability and the highest level of transparency, ensuring they address the harms to young people due to negligent design.



Address all digital technology and platforms to enable a comprehensive approach, while focusing on social media.

Ethical Business Model

Ethical Business Model

Incent platforms to align their business model with ethical outcomes — producing an environment where the pursuit of growth does not compromise young people’s safety and well-being.

Guided by Research

Guided by Research

Prioritize quality research to inform and guide recommendations to understand better the issues impacting young people and their usage and relationship with technology.



Champion non-ideological, diverse representation and inclusivity to ensure that online spaces are safe and welcoming for all people, regardless of their background or identity.

Global Scope

Global Scope

Collaborate internationally to bring learnings, best practices, and resources to realize youth online safety for a global landscape.

Responsible Tech

Responsible Tech

Recognize the key role of technology in advancing inclusivity, progress, and well-being — we are pro-responsible-tech, not anti-tech.

Partners & Collaborators

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Project Liberty is advancing responsible development of the internet, designed and governed for the common good.

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Issue One is the leading crosspartisan political reform group in Washington, D.C. Its Council brings together a multi-sectoral group of leaders who are focused on finding solutions to the technological harms to our kids, communities, and national security.

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5Rights Foundation exists to make systemic changes to the digital world so that it caters for children and young people, by design and default.

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BYS brings technical expertise and insider experience to a growing ecosystem of checks and balances to drive social media for the common good.

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RxC is a global movement for next-generation political economies committed to advancing plurality, equality, community, and decentralization through upgrading democracy, markets, the data economy, the commons, and identity.

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All Tech Is Human brings together people, organizations, and ideas to tackle wicked tech & society issues and co-create a tech future aligned with the public interest.

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Civics Unplugged is an intergenerationally-led organization that equips our Fellows with the training, funding, and community they need to become civic innovators.